Friday, February 26, 2010

My brown eyed girl

Five years ago today she was born to a mother who willing chooses to live on the streets of Houston.A missionary group from YWAM found her three weeks later at 2:30 in the morning on her mother's lap sitting on the street.
The mission field that YWAM is called to in Houston is the Montrose area of town.There teenagers and young adults have chosen an alternative lifestyle,selling their bodies for drugs just hanging out and living a life that most of us would run from.YWAM has set up a rescue system for the babies born to these "street kids".There are safe houses for the babies to go to, to get them off the street and out of the hotel rooms, and away form the drugs and sex...if even for only one night.We were asked to house such a baby, a little girl who had no where else to go.Little did we know it was because she as a "problem baby"...she cried a lot. We were hemming and hawing...right up til they sent us the email,yep the email with the picture of the big brown eyes that had the cutest baby surrounding them.I think it was 12 hours later that we were driving to a mall parking lot to pick up our little visitor.What was supposed to be a few days turned into weeks and then months. After two years the birth mother requested to see her twice and showed up once.

Now here we are 5 years later after sleepless nights, eczema,temper tantrums,home studies,social worker interviews,one very tense day in court plus more laughs than we could ever count, our family (as far as we know)is complete.

So happy birthday baby girl! If nothing else know that you are loved and to us you are beautiful,intelligent, brown eyed girl

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