Monday, January 19, 2009

If you are not Kermit, I do not want to hear it

Yep, I said it, how politically incorrect can you get? I don't know, but let's find out.
Now on the whole "Green " thing I realize that this just a cause celeb for most people and it will just fade away in a few weeks,but there some folks out there who fully have embraced the idea that we can "save" the planet from the bad humans. All we need to do is just hit the off switch on society as we know it and go back to living in caves.Yes, it would have to be caves,because we can't use trees anymore, not since Oprah and her latest guru have discovered that even plants have feelings and a conscience.Feelings and a conscience? I know some people who do not even have those,but now the oak tree in the park does. Makes sense to me.
I can understand the need to make some adjustments and to take care of what we have been given charge of.
And,if corporations "decide" to totally rework their operations and spend half the work day resorting trash well then so be it, it is just job security as far I am concerned.Forget about the govt making a jobs program we can just have our MBA's separating plastics from paper and composting the remains of corporate lunches.
Sweet Sassy Molassey I do not even have a problem with each and every department,food,pharmacy,discount and specialty store making their own reusable shopping bag, ( with what I do not know, I just hope there is enough of it to go around. Cars that get 100 miles to the gallon go for it. Food with no preservatives( which means we have to eat it straight from the field) bring it on
However, when my daughter calls from the store asking if she should buy the recycled toilet paper I draw my line in the sand.I draw it long and I draw it deep! My first thought was my gosh how do you even recycle that? There are some things that I do not need know,or even think about having been used before. I realize recycling is a good thing but really recycled toilet paper, what kind of person even looks for that product? And do you want to be known as that person? I tell you we are getting into very weird territory.
Also, has anyone else noticed how belligerent the"green" folks are getting? ( not as crazed as PETA but getting close, inciting trouble? Perhaps bit I will let them have their own post in the future. All I have to say on that is meat is murder,tasty,tasty murder) I bet it is because the recycled paper is a little rough.
Anyway...there is a quote going around FB that says "if I hear about one more corporation going green ,I will start burning rubber tires in my back yard."

So, once again it is proven that everyone has a breaking point and apparently mine is recycled toilet paper. So if you see me gathering old tires just look the other way, it is just me fighting my private battle against the green menace and fighting for my right to non recycled toilet paper:).

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