Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rant of the day

I am going to have a wreck, please do not get me wrong, I do not want to have a wreck nor am I actively planning a wreck, but one is coming nonetheless. For those of you not up to date on the drama that is my life here is a brief recap…since Sept. we have not had two cars that were working at the same time .The Scion was put out of commission back in Sept. due to a driving mishap, after getting it back (two months later) the Sentra decided it needed some attention as well. Here is a brief list of my fall and winter spending … batteries (2), (one for each car) a starter, battery cable, spark plugs and wires, o2 sensors (2),master flow sensor (?), and fuel pump (2), quiet the inventory isn’t it?Well in between these purchases both cars were allowed to visit home and they even brought assurances of, “that was all that is needed, it is fine now”. Apparently” it is fine now” is mechanic speak for be prepared for your car to randomly die while shifting into third gear (a standard car thing for all you automatic drivers) and for it to refuse to start in the over crowded parking lot of Papasitos on a Friday after dinner with your teen age daughters. However, I would like to note that with the teen age daughters I had an abundance of assistance offers from the teenage wait staff at said restaurant. But I digress why will I wreck? What is this cloud of doom, this sword of Damocles, if you will, over my head? Well here is the rub; I cannot stop staring at, in one car the RPM meter and in the other the check engine light. I am now fixated on both of these gauges. These two instruments now control not only my car but also my mood and my blood pressure. We have had the Scion back less than 18 hours ( the longest the Check engine light has been off) and I keep waiting for it to come back on, I know it wants to, it is just waiting until I relax my vigilance and look away. It will come back on, since the next step suggested by the mechanic is to…. Are you ready for this, order the part from Japan, now this part has to be shipped in separate pieces and re assembled here on the car itself….. puleese the Scion is shipped fully assembled from Japan for like a $1.50, so why does the fuel pump assembly get such special treatment? I am thinking because I will need one that’s why. Now I am sure you can all understand why I can no longer be worried with the safety of small animals, children or even postmen; I must remain ever vigilant in my task of watching the gauges in my car and bending them to my will. For your own protection I am usually on the road from 2:30 to 4:00 so watch out for yourself, since I will be too busy gauge watching to look out for you.
Have a great Day!!

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